Other Common Names Include:
English lavender, common lavender, lavandin
Latin Name: English lavenders: Lavandula angustifolia, lavandins: Lavandula x intermedia
Plant Family: Labiatae
Close Relatives: Rosemary, mint, sage, thyme, oregano, basil
Uses and Markets:Agri-tourism, Aromatic, Ornamental, Industrial (e.g. personal care products), Essential Oil, Culinary (e.g. desserts, spice blends), Medicinal (e.g. sedative, antimicrobial), Crafting (e.g. wreaths, decorated bundles)
Production Life Cycle in Ontario
Hardiness Zone
5-8 (depending on variety). Generally lavandins or hybrid varieties (Lavandula x intermedia) are less hardy.
Special Notes
Marginally hardy varieties for a certain location can be grown with protection by straw or row covers. Different varieties are suitable for different end uses.
Propagation method
Most commonly by transplants from cuttings, less commonly by root divisions and seeds (although not as easily). Cuttings require cool air temperatures, high humidity, and bottom heat for optimal rooting.
Greenhouse Seeding/Propagation Dates
Autumn or winter (seeds and cuttings).
Field Seeding Date:
Field Transplanting Dates
In-row spacing
50-80 cm
Between row spacing
1 to 3 m, depending on use (wider for agri-tourism).
Optimal Soil temperature at planting
No current Ontario fertility recommendations exist. Research and recommendations from outside Ontario do not necessarily apply to Ontario growing conditions. In Washington State, up to 100 kg/ha N is recommended in the first three seasons, split 50% in spring and 50% after harvest. In subsequent years, no more than 50 kg/ha is recommended applied after harvest. Click here for phosphorus and potassium application guidelines and for more information on specialty crop fertility.
Soil type
Well-drained. Will not survive in saturated soils.
Soil pH
Special requirements for growth habit
Optimal Temperature Range
Prefers a temperate warm climate.
Temperature sensitivity
Irrigation requirements
New plants: Irrigation beneficial under normal Ontario conditions.
Established plants: Irrigation usually not required.
Days to harvest
Specialized equipment
Mechanical harvesters, de-budders, and pruning equipment available. Distiller required for oil extraction.
Harvest Scheduling
Early to peak bloom (June to July depending on variety) for flower harvest; peak to late bloom for oil distillation.
Hand harvest or machine harvest
Hand harvest; machine harvest.
Quality parameters/grades
ISO standards available for oil quality.
Additional Harvest Notes
Whole flower stems harvested for cut flowers; top 15 cm harvested for oil distillation.
Post harvest
Special handling/curing
Hang flower bundles upside-down in a dark room with warm temperatures, low humidity and good air flow
Storage Conditions
Relative humidity (RH): Low for dried products, high for fresh bundles (>80%).
Temperature: Colder temperatures above freezing prolong shelf-life of most products (except dried); store essential oils in air-tight glass containers in the dark.
Air Exchange: N/A
Duration: One or more years if properly stored (oil and dried products).
Specific pests observed on this crop in Ontario (observations based on limited experience with this crop)
Insects and Invertebrates: Four-lined plant bug (Poecilocapus lineatus), spittle bugs, garden fleahopper (Halticus bractatus)
Diseases: Septoria leaf spot (lavender leaf spot, Septoria lavendulae), root rot, powdery mildew
Other Potential Pests: The following pests have not been observed on this crop in Ontario. However, they are either significant concerns for closely related plants in Ontario, or are reported on this crop in other production areas. This is not a comprehensive list of all potential pests. Not all of these pests will necessarily survive Ontario’s climate, but could potentially survive in a protected environment (e.g. greenhouse, storage facility).
Insects and Invertebrates: Rosemary beetle
Diseases: Shab*, yellow decline*, alfalfa mosaic virus, phytophthora root rot, lavender wilt, rhizoctonia
*Indicates pests commonly mentioned as causing significant damage or economic loss to this crop in other regions.
To date the following pests have been the most significant in Ontario: four-lined plant bug, septoria leaf spot. Disease pressures can be reduced through proper site selection and by promoting good air movement through the canopy. This crop is in Crop Group 19: Herbs and Spices Group and subgroup 19A: Herb Subgroup. This crop group is being revised and may change in the near future. For more information on Crop Groups, refer to the Pest section. Always refer to product labels, and follow all directions specified on the label, before applying any pest control product. For more information, consult an OMAFRA specialist. For pest control products registered on this crop refer to OMAFRA Publication 838.
- McKeown, A. and C. Bakker. 2003-2010. Lavender Variety Trials. Simcoe Research Station, unpublished.
- Westerveld, S., Todd, J., Walter, D., Paliyath, G. and F. Berland. 2010. Analysis of volatile components of lavender flowers as affected by variety, time of day, and bloom stage. OMAFRA/University of Guelph, unpublished.
- Westerveld, S., Todd, J., Paliyath, G., Bakker, C., and A. McKeown. 2010-present. Evaluation of 27 lavender varieties for flower and essential oil yield and quality at six locations across southern Ontario. OMAFRA/University of Guelph, unpublished.
- Beus, C. 2006. Growing and marketing lavender. Extension Bulletin 2005, Washington State University.
- Halva, S, and L.E. Craker. 1996. Manual for Northern Herb Growers. HSMP Press, Amherst MA.
- McVicar, J. 1994. Jekka’s Complete Herb Book. Raincoast Books, Vancouver.
- Lewis, L. 2009. The complete illustrated book of herbs. The Reader`s Digest Association Inc., Montreal.
- OMAFRA. 2005. Lavender.
- Schooley, J. and J. Llewellyn. 2009. Growing Culinary Herbs in Ontario.
- Growing Lavender in Ontario: An Introduction for Prospective Growers, OMAFRA Factsheet 18-017