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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

oriental radish

Other Common Names Include:

Chinese radish, daikon, lo bok, luo bo, Japanese radish, Korean radish

Latin Name: Raphanus sativus subvar. longipinnatus

Plant Family: Brassicaceae

Close Relatives: Radish, mustards, rutabaga, cabbage

Uses and Markets: Culinary (e.g. raw in salads, pickled, and cooked in a variety of methods alone or in mixed dishes).  Traditionally used in East Asian cuisine.

 Oriental radish canopyOriental radish in the fieldMarketable oriental radishes

Production Life Cycle in Ontario


Hardiness Zone


Special Notes

Oriental radishes have similar growth requirements as conventional radishes, but are often grown to a larger size and require more space. For general agronomic requirements for radish consult the OMAFRA vegetable guides.

Propagation method

Direct seeding.

Greenhouse Seeding/Propagation Dates


Field Seeding Date:

Early spring to mid-summer.

Field Transplanting Dates


In-Row Spacing
5-20 cm

Between row spacing

30-40 cm

Optimal Soil temperature at planting



Ontario fertility recommendations for conventional radish can be applied to oriental radish.  On mineral soils, apply up to 60 kg N/ha.  On muck soils, apply 40 kg N/ha.  Click here for phosphorus and potassium application guidelines and for more information on specialty crop fertility.

Soil type

Sand, loam, muck

Soil pH

6.0-7.0 (sand, loam); 5.1-5.5 (muck)

Special requirements for growth habit


Optimal Temperature Range


Temperature sensitivity

Frost tolerant.  Radishes are adversely affected by hot, dry weather and long days.

Irrigation requirements

Irrigation beneficial under normal Ontario conditions.

Days to harvest

50-80 days depending on cultivar.

Specialized equipment


Harvest Scheduling

Single harvest. Continuous harvests are possible from successive plantings for many cultivars, but some do poorly in mid-summer heat.

Hand harvest or machine harvest

Hand harvest

Quality parameters/grades:

No established grades.  Quality is determined by the market.

Additional Harvest Notes


Post harvest
Special handling/curing

Remove field heat as soon as possible after harvest.

Storage Conditions

Relative humidity (RH): 95-100%

Temperature: 0°C

Air Exchange: N/A

Duration: Indefinitely

Specific pests observed on this crop in Ontario (observations based on limited experience with this crop)

Insects and Invertebrates:
Flea beetle, cabbage maggot, cabbage looper, wireworms, millipedes, aphids, imported cabbageworm, diamondback moth

Diseases: Damping-off, black root, scab, Fusarium wilt, alternaria leaf spot, downy mildew, powdery mildew, Botrytis, root rot (Rhizoctonia), crown rot, clubroot


Other Potential Pests: The following pests have not been observed on this crop in Ontario. However, they are either significant concerns for closely related plants in Ontario, or are reported on this crop in other production areas. This is not a comprehensive list of all potential pests. Not all of these pests will necessarily survive Ontario’s climate, but could potentially survive in a protected environment (e.g. greenhouse, storage facility).

Insects and Invertebrates: None

Diseases: White rust, sugarbeet cyst nematode

Other: None

*Indicates pests commonly mentioned as causing significant damage or economic loss to this crop in other regions.


To date the following pests have been the most significant in Ontario: flea beetle, cabbage maggot. All pests of conventional varieties of radish in Ontario are potential pests of Oriental radish, although susceptibility may differ.  This crop is in Crop Group 1: Root and Tuber Vegetables Group and Subgroup 1A: Root Vegetables Subgroup and Subgroup 1B: Root Vegetables (Except Sugar Beet) Subgroup, when grown for its roots.  This crop is in Crop Group 2: Leaves of Root and Tuber Vegetables (Human Food or Animal Feed) Group, when grown for its leaves.  For more information on Crop Groups, refer to the Pest section.  Always refer to product labels, and follow all directions specified on the label, before applying any pest control product.  For more information, consult an OMAFRA specialist. For pest control products registered on this crop refer to OMAFRA Publication 838.  It is important to note that not all pest control products registered on conventional radish are registered on Oriental radish. 

Forking of a oriental radish root due to physical root damageGrowth cracks are often caused by rapid growth after a period of restricted growthSome varieties of oriental radish are prone to bolting under hot temperaturesFlea beetle damage on oriental radishMillipede and damage on  radish
Additional Notes


Ontario Research Projects Used to Create This Profile

  1. Bilal, A. and M. Brownbridge. 2010-2012. World crops project. Vineland Research and Innovation Centre, unpublished.
  2. Elford, E., Filotas, M., Todd, J., Westerveld, S., Bilal, A., and M. Brownbridge. 2011. World crops variety trials and demonstration. Vineland Research and Innovation Centre/OMAFRA Simcoe Resource Centre, unpublished.
  3. Elford, E., Filotas, M., Todd, J., and S. Westerveld. 2009. Non-traditional crops demonstration garden. OMAFRA Simcoe Resource Centre, unpublished.
  1. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.  2010.  Publication 363 Vegetable Production Recommendations 2010-2011.  Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Toronto.
  2. Oregon State University. 2003. Radish. Commercial Vegetable Production Guides.